Shift Today with Alison
Alison Schuh Hawsey is an Intuitive and super fan of energy work and engaging intuition. Shift Today with Alison is about connecting with our intuition through sharing pivotal moments that have brought honesty, amazing shifts, whispers of wisdom, and forward momentum. The biggest shifts happen when we move away from the ego that feeds assumptions, expectations, and illusions towards our intuition by living in the present, being alert enough to listen, and finding the sunshine even on the darkest day. It's time to shift today into a greater tomorrow!
59 episodes
#58 Where Is Your Attention
Questions for you to answer:When you think of tomorrow, are you worrying about yesterday?When you think of yesterday, are you ruminating about what can no longer be changed?When you think about what you can no long...
Season 3
Episode 58
#57 Your Choices Drive Your Change
You have the power to make the changes you desire.So what's the problem? Are you waiting for someone else to consider your expectations list so you can be happy? Are you waiting for someone to hear you and see you exactly how you expect...
Season 3
Episode 57
#56 Respect Begins With The Intuition
When you're connected to your intuition your respect is crystal clear.
Season 3
Episode 56
#55 Leveling Up
Here's a hint...when you are highly irritable, overwhelmed, and anxious, you might be in the realm where it's time to Level Up. Leveling up means a time for self-awareness and expansion to begin. It can take a day, week, or months, but the more...
Season 3
Episode 55
#54 The Unknown Is Where Change Begins
Each day is an unknown.Today is the unknown of yesterday. And tomorrow provides us space to expand into the unknown again.What you create begins in the unknown.Have you ever had a moment when you knew your l...
Season 3
Episode 54
#53 Is Your Value Annual or Perennial?
Ever felt the urge to ignite your inner flame, to confront and transcend what holds you back? Instead of destruction, imagine nurturing a gentle approach that lets the currents of your choices flow freely. It begins by recognizing, ...
Season 3
Episode 53
#52 Validation As A Gift
Validation as a gift can be shared with sweetness or strife. This episode focuses on how to recognize the sweet side of validation and gift it with love to those who need to feel it.Enjoy.
Season 3
Episode 52
#51 Lessons From A Shiny Heinie
You never know when a second encounter will flip the switch, and your intuition will bring a lesson forward. Today's episode asks how much of your time and energy you are focusing on drama and crazy moments of others where the outcome has absol...
Season 3
Episode 51
#50 Internal Parent VS Intuitional Compass
When it comes to making a new choice, which advice do you follow? Do you listen to the internal parent voice telling you to watch out and stay standing still, or do you listen to your intuitional compass and step into the life you're meant to l...
Season 3
Episode 50
#49 Offering VS Agreeing
There is an energetic difference between offering to do something for someone and agreeing out of obligation. Offering is the same as opening yourself to share your time, talents, and joy of sharing a loving gift. While agreeing is an obligator...
Season 3
Episode 49
#48 Noticing Your Surroundings
I'm back with a simple story about paying attention to moments in your surroundings that make you feel inside. Is your intuition coming alive with gratitude, or is the irritation of what you're witnessing creating a moment to recognize that mor...
Season 2
Episode 48
#47 Order the Banana Split
This episode is about reaching past the fear, leaning into the discomfort to activate your confidence, and exploring what is on the other side. And it begins by asking for a Banana Split.Let's Connect Happy Day
Season 2
Episode 47
#46 Phases of Judgement
When we allow judgment to take control and lead us to a corner of stuckness then we've handed our power over and are not being authentically ourselves. Listen with an open mind allowing the intuition to lead us to be our best selves.Tha...
Season 2
Episode 46
#45 Whisper Of Wisdom
Whispers of wisdom are born when I sit down to write early in the morning. This entry is from February 2022, and it begins with...New beginnings are born each day.Yesterday holds solutions we couldn’t see at the moment because we are ho...
Season 2
Episode 45
#44 Shift From the Shadow of Wants
In this episode, I'll be talking about shifting from the shadow of wants to embracing your power. Wanting continues to overshadow and stifle us from recognizing, understanding, and pursuing our needs.You are all-powerful, and it’s...
Season 2
Episode 44
#43 Let's Talk About Love
A simple episode to talk about the importance of loving yourself so that you have enough fuel to love another. And when did the complexity and simplicity of love become diluted into loving everyday objects, services, experiences, etc.?
Season 3
Episode 43
#42 Energy Guardian
This episode is about the importance of being your own energy guardian and how to do this with strength and ease.Thank you for joining me to shift today into a greater tomorrow. Happy Day
Season 2
Episode 42
#41 Awareness of Our Intuition
Today we're talking about - Tips on recognizing, connecting, and honoring your intuition by allowing your mind, body, and soul to refresh, recharge, and move forward with grace.In this episode, I'll share several relatable examples, tha...
Season 2
Episode 41
#40 Embrace Discomfort Rather Than Fear
In this episode, I'll be talking about what it feels like when I am stuck in Discomfort with my intuition versus when I'm stuck in fear and letting illusions get the best of me.I share several relatable examples that I hope will help yo...
Season 2
Episode 40
#39 Pause in the Discomfort
How often do you find yourself in an uncomfortable position/state of mind and turn away to avoid the Discomfort?Let's talk about finding the strength to pause, feel the Discomfortacknowledge our role in causing ...
Season 2
Episode 39
#38 Recognizing and Releasing Should Shields
You might want to grab a journal or something to write with because I'll end this episode with a bit of prompt exercise with the intention of helping you identify your Should Shields to release so you can shift today into a greater tomorrow.
Season 2
Episode 38
#37 Feelings Are Not Places
This episode of Shift Today with Alison is about shifting emotions away from being the place we are and allowing them to be what we feel, not where we live.Life comes with an abundance of emotions, choices, and experiences to yield upon...
Season 2
Episode 37
#36 Journal Prompt 25-28 The Next Adventure
This episode provides the intention behind Journal Prompt #25-28 of the 28 days of Journal Prompts I created to support you as you uncover your intuition and discover the direction you want to lead. You did it! What have you learned abo...
Season 2
Episode 36
#35 Journal Prompts 20-24 Shifting Expectations to Intentional Flow
This episode provides the intention behind Journal Prompts #20-24 of the 28 days of Journal Prompts I created to support you as you uncover your intuition and discover the direction you want to lead. Focusing on the shift from living in a "To D...
Season 2
Episode 35
#34 Journal Prompt #15-19 Removing the Should Shields
This episode provides the intention behind Journal Prompts #15-19 of the 28 days of Journal Prompts I created to support you as you uncover your intuition and discover the direction you want to lead. Focusing on the "Should Shields" that are yo...
Season 2
Episode 34