Shift Today with Alison

#37 Feelings Are Not Places

Alison Schuh Hawsey Season 2 Episode 37

This episode of Shift Today with Alison is about shifting emotions away from being the place we are and allowing them to be what we feel, not where we live.

Life comes with an abundance of emotions, choices, and experiences to yield upon, yet we continue to allow negativity to drive energy and control our power.

At the end of the day and the end of life, do you want to live the life you want to live, or do you want to live a life someone else told you how to live?

Shift today into a greater tomorrow.

Happy Day
Alison Schuh Hawsey
Insight Timer

Shift today into a greater tomorrow...@alisonschuhhawsey

Hi there, we're talking about shifting emotions away from being a place we are and allowing them to be what we feel, not where we live.

Welcome back to Shift Today with Alison,

I'm your host Alison Schuh Hawsey, and I'm here to support you along your journey to connecting with yourself by being true to your intuition.

We don't often talk about this, but have you ever thought of a feeling as places as time goes by?

Such as...I am trapped in my body. I am in this place in my life - such as: lonely, anxious, in love, excited, worried, scared, vulnerable, mad, angry, overwhelmed, aggressive, bored, strong, etc.

But these are characteristics of feelings, not a place to stay in for too long. 

Let's unpack this a bit more.

Life comes with an abundance of emotions, choices, and experiences to yield upon, yet we continue to allow negativity to drive energy and control our power.

Some people are choosing to build their life around leading with these negative emotions. Here are a few examples of phrases that you've said or heard, such as I'm stuck in this relationship; I'm not good enough; I'm consumed by grief; I feel so alone; I'm worried about what might happen; I'm so angry; I'm bored with my life, etc.

We tend to hold on so tightly to negative feelings that we can't find a place for anything good.

I recently did a space clearing for a friend's new business location, and one of the messages that came through was to remember that "Trapped is a feeling, not a place to reside."

I related with this 100%.

I use to feel trapped in my body, and I would often say out loud, "I am trapped in my body."  I have created a spreadsheet of my medical conditions and procedures because I've had so many over the years I can't remember what they all are, but they all connect somehow.

If we hear or say something over and over and over, we start to believe and/or feel it. And I didn't understand this until I began to connecting with my intuition and paying attention to what I say to and about myself. Plus, listening to how others speak about themselves began to help me open my eyes to what we project inward is how we project outward.

There's a joke in my family that I am in the 2% people that those weird side effects you hear on those drug commercials will happen to me even though I don't take but on medication. 

For a while, I laughed at this joke, yet a not so fantastic joke. 

But I have begun to shift that feeling, and now I realize I am in the 2%. 

I'm in the 2% of people who believe in the positive, the sunnyside, and no longer let my feelings drive me to a place and stay there, yet I realistically manage my emotions, and I know what my choices are and how to embrace them.  

They do not control me. I control them.

I am in control of my feelings, just like you are in control of your feelings. PERIOD

It's all about choices.

A feeling is a sensation, an attitude, perception, and opinion. 

And if you continue to use negative words to describe yourself, your situation, everything around you and only sees the negative - guess what? Your life will suck, and sucky things will continue to happen to you.

Have you heard of manifesting? Manifesting is something that you embody, express, personify, understand, recognize and connect with, so if you're focused on the negative - guess what that is what is gonna continue to happen. However, if you shift your mindset to find something positive or a lesson that will enhance your situation, then you'll begin to feel and receive the higher, more positive vibration that will start to shift your life.

For example - my statement about being trapped in my body; when I realized what I was saying, I instantly changed my mindset to, I will do the very best I can to nourish and honor the body that continues to carry me through this life. It has carried me through many adventures and given me two amazing boys; I will continue to cherish it until my time comes to an end.

If everything is negative and you continue to complain and choose the negative, then your life will continue to suck because of your choices. 

Yet, so many continue to project their blame on someone or something else and forget they have choices. And guess what, this is a huge issue when we're talking about children. This is a learned behavior, so as adults, we need to be mindful and remember that our kids learn from us.

So remember to choose mindfully how you express your feelings.

Ok, I'm not saying every day is filled with rainbows and sunshine because, in reality, life will provide challenges and bad things happen - but I do believe that most days are lovely. I chose to lead with patient intentions and calming energy, so I receive it in return.

So if you're feeling trapped in your body or maybe a relationship. 
If you're feeling alone or abandoned. 
If you're feeling anxious or helpless.
If you're feeling angry or overwhelmed.
Whatever you are feeling, definitely feel it. 

Get deep and feel it. Feel it so much that you get tired of the feeling. Then find a moment to sit with these emotions and ask yourself:

#1 - If I don't want to feel this way any longer, what do I want to feel? - 
#2 - What can I change to make these feelings become something that makes me feel good? 
#3 - Who can help me shift these feelings?

There is only one person who holds the answer to all of these questions, and that is you. Not your best friend, husband, therapist, mom, etc. YOU!

Remember how I mentioned power earlier? 

Do you believe that you need help to navigate this thing called life? The answer is yes. I know I do. 

But at the end of the day and at the end of life, do you want to live the life you want to live, or do you want to live a life someone else told you how to live?

Well, recently, I turned the big 5-0! I use to think that was so old and now I think it's terrific.

Have you ever had this thought? 

Why is it that we joyfully celebrate when someone has been married for 50 years, yet when someone turns 50, it's looked upon or felt negatively? 

Huh...SOCIETY! Have you heard of the mid-life crisis? I don't hear this much anymore, but listen to the words, mid-life crisis! YUCK! 

Well, I guess I'm in the 2% that are celebrating 50 - WooHoo!

I've given you lots to chew on in this episode. 

Just for today, what is a feeling that you have been stuck in and given your power to? Maybe it's time to shift away from and move in a more positive direction?

Remember to be patient and kind to yourself. Your intuition is always always there to support you if you will gently listen.

As always, I wish you all the best and hope that you shift today into a greater tomorrow.