Shift Today with Alison
Alison Schuh Hawsey is an Intuitive and super fan of energy work and engaging intuition. Shift Today with Alison is about connecting with our intuition through sharing pivotal moments that have brought honesty, amazing shifts, whispers of wisdom, and forward momentum. The biggest shifts happen when we move away from the ego that feeds assumptions, expectations, and illusions towards our intuition by living in the present, being alert enough to listen, and finding the sunshine even on the darkest day. It's time to shift today into a greater tomorrow!
Shift Today with Alison
#49 Offering VS Agreeing
There is an energetic difference between offering to do something for someone and agreeing out of obligation. Offering is the same as opening yourself to share your time, talents, and joy of sharing a loving gift. While agreeing is an obligatory action you make to appease another's vision, which is theirs to fulfill, yet leaving yourself depleted and often projecting frustration. The choice is yours.
Shift today into a greater tomorrow...@alisonschuhhawsey